Friday, December 31, 2010


最近加入了我朋友Feididi的label-UNISON, 開始策劃設計一系列的Tee。

透露着強烈農曆新年氣息的一款。配合着2011的到來,彰顯新舊的融合,此款在細節上不乏發現中國傳統與西方潮流文化的混合。Family的含義廣泛,中國最傳統的精神就是-家,更描述着熱愛西方潮流文化的一族,不分國際/膚色,不分彼此-All In One Family的精神。Family 的字眼會採用3M反光材質,在晚上會讓字體更加特出,務必購入。
男裝 - S,M,L,XL
女裝 - S,M,L,XL
預購價格 Pre Order - RM50
店面價格 Retail - RM69.90

This design shows a strong Chinese New Year flavor. In conjunction with the arrival of 2011, and also to highlight the old and new culture mix, this version is added with typical Chinese traditional housing design, not forgetting to touch with some modern western culture.
The word FAMILY means a lot, as it was the most highly respected word among the Chinese - home. Family and Home are taken very seriously.
This design also shows the passion towards Western Culture, putting aside nationality or skin colour, and to spread the spirit of All In One Family concept.
The word Family will be printed with 3M reflective material, in order to outstand the wording at night.
It’s a must to purchase.


老頑童, 顧名思義就是“潮叔”!肖像以水墨畫出了雖年邁卻保持着赤子之心的神韻,行為舉止猶如孩童的老頑童。無論任何外在因素,還是時代的變遷,都無拘於世人眼光,保持着 UNISON 精神 - 无拘无束的玩,玩就是艺术!!
男裝 - S,M,L,XL
女裝 - S,M,L,XL
預購價格 Pre Order- RM50
店面價格 Retail - RM69.90

OLD-BOY (straight translation which means old man with a boyish attitude), also known as “潮叔” in Cantonese. The portrait was designed using Ink-Painting technique which portrays the old but boyish charm of the man that makes him acting very much like a kid.
Doesn’t matter of what matters or even the changing of times, this old man does not fear of how people look or think of him but shows the upright UNISON spirit, preserving the utmost attitude- unrestrained of having fun and enjoying life.
This is the true definition of FUN, where fun is a form of art.

《Born To Be Dope》
“We Born To Be Dope - We Take The Street” 展現了年輕一代放縱不羈的倔強精神。而鳳凰更位古代群鳥之首,禽中之王。配合全黑低調的搭配,印花材料方面採用了立體紋路技術,給予視覺和觸覺上的滿足。絕對是值得收藏的精工量版。
男裝 - S,M,L,XL
女裝 - S,M,L,XL
預購價格 Pre Order- RM60
店面價格 Retail - RM79.90

In order to merge the western and Chinese culture together, this form of style is inspired by American Hardcore which infused with some exquisite touch of the Chinese culture.
“We Born To Be Dope- We Take The Street” shows the stubborn and unrestraint attitude and mind of the younger generations.
And the phoenix too, resembles the king of all birds during the ancient times.
By using a full-black tone, the solid line technique being used to create the print to provide a perfect design and touch.
It’s a total worth for collection.

Pipit 4th Anniversary

Wish Pipit Happy 4th Anniversary!~ Congratulation!!!

BabyQee Contest

Design this for Toy2R competition
Qee name: Face簿KaQee
Remark: Why Face簿KaQee? (FacebooKaki)
It's the monster that lives within us. The monster that can't turn away from the power of Facebook. The monster that is tied to the world of interconnectivity through just only a click of the mouse. The monster that lives to stalk others. The monster who woke up to a daily habit of opening the web page everyday. Just like the daily habit of brushing our teeth. We do it every morning and We do it every night. You think you can live without the monster in you. You turned away. You close your eyes.

But the monster haunts every second.

Even if you can live without the monster, the others won't let you live without it.

Have you Face簿KaQee today?

Others competitor, all very awesome & creative!

Comic King Magazine/漫畫王雜誌


Coloring for KENNY CHUA

非常有幸可以為漫畫家兼創意總監-蔡再鴻Kenny Chua的插畫上色... 下次也記得找我噢!;D

Project Boxies

Boxies is a translation from our childhood handmade costumes, that made out of the used carton boxes that once kept fruits from the market, the tv and vcr player boxes our parents kept folded. It is not just a character. It is something we turned into a 3D paper toy, which is not just a toy, but a companion. At the same time we tried to stay true to its original ideas which uses paper as the medium of the creation. Colors and personalized design has enhanced their individuality that formed a community of its own. A COMMUNITY OF BOXIES which speaks a language and a lifestyle of its own.

MyConcept: 沐猴而冠。 沐猴(猕猴)戴帽子﹐装成人的样子。比喻虚有其表﹐形同傀儡﹐不管和他說什麼都聽不進去的人。
Design this for Boxies Exhibition on Capsquare during Kuala Lumpur Design Week.

Sunday, March 14, 2010

Nookanooka x Artist Series

The success of the dope Nooka watches at H5 stores in Bangsar Village II has led to a Black Lab pop-up store in Mid Valley Megamall. To celebrate the new space, H5 has teamed up with 20 local artists to create the latest project of NookaNooka Artist Series. Go look and vote for your top 3 favourite now at the Black Lab pop-up, which features illustration from local graffiti artist Nasty who created an ‘Electro Pop’ illustration. You even stand a chance to win a watch!

The 20 unique customised Nookanookas are being displayed at H5’s pop-up store in Mid Valley now. H5 lets you win a Nooka Zub series by heading over to the H5 Black Lab and rate your Top 3 from the series. 3 winners with the correct predictions will win a Nooka Zub worth RM559! You can also visit H5’s Facebook Fan Page to check them out and rate it too. Check out all NookaNookas at the end of the post, but we strongly suggest you check them out at the pop-up store for a better detailing of each figure.


His name is 'Wu Ji'. The core of this art revolves around the famous Chinese symbol- Yin and Yang (that represented the harmony and unity between complimentary opposites) and Ba Gua (eight diagrams used in Taoist cosmology to represent the fundamental principles of reality) that existed 5000 years ago. This object also holds the power and control of space and time which is also represented by the symbol - ∞Infinity. All elements of the world is highly influenced by 'Wu Ji'.

The Limitless (Wuji) produces the delimited, and this is the Absolute (the circle)
The Taiji produces two forms, that is yin & yang (2 horns).
The two forms produce four phenomena (4 legs).
The four phenomena act on the eight trigrams (ba gua) (8 fingers).!/photo.php?pid=5572260&id=137729231216

Friday, January 1, 2010

Michael Lau 10th Anniversary Book

My artwork on Michael Lau Book!

Michael Lau autograph!~

Finally i bought this!~ nice backcover!

Finally i bought this!~ nice cover!